Ovf Specification Conformance or Virtual Hardware Compliance Checks

Failed to deploy VM: [missing message value]

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from vcenter:

Problems detected with selected template. Details: - -1:-1:VALUE_ILLEGAL: No supported hardware versions among [virtualbox-2.two]; supported: [vmx-04, vmx-07, vmx-08, vmx-09, vmx-x, vmx-11, vmx-12, vmx-13, vmx-14, vmx-15].

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with workstation same thing - this is relay a bummer

The import failed because D:\adamg files\Help-Desk-Server-ane.0.4.ova did non laissez passer OVF specification conformance or virtual hardware compliance checks.

Click Retry to relax OVF specification and virtual hardware compliance checks and endeavor the import over again, or click Abolish to abolish the import. If you retry the import, you might not be able to use the virtual automobile in VMware Workstation.

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This has been covered multiple times already

The consign was for virtualbox and is not configured correctly for ESXi, however you lot said you couldn't import it in to Workstation either, but that'south how I did mine so uploaded information technology to ESXi

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you have to exist vmware expert in social club to get helpdesk imported to VCENTER / VMWARE

seems like at present I have a trouble with lock

SnapshotVMXNativePrepareDisks: Failed to go disk information: Failed to lock the file

vcpu-0| I125: SnapshotVMXTakeSnapshotWork: Transition to mode 0.
2020-03-12T16:47:50.714Z| vcpu-0| I125: AIOMGR: AIOMgr_OpenWithRetry: Descriptor file '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Aid Desk Server/help-desk-server-disk1.vmdk' locked (attempt 0)
2020-03-12T16:47:51.016Z| vcpu-0| I125: AIOMGR: AIOMgr_OpenWithRetry: Descriptor file '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Aid Desk-bound Server/aid-desk-server-disk1.vmdk' locked (try one)
2020-03-12T16:47:51.318Z| vcpu-0| I125: AIOMGR: AIOMgr_OpenWithRetry: Descriptor file '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Help Desk Server/help-desk-server-disk1.vmdk' locked (try 2)
2020-03-12T16:47:51.620Z| vcpu-0| I125: AIOMGR: AIOMgr_OpenWithRetry: Descriptor file '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Help Desk-bound Server/help-desk-server-disk1.vmdk' locked (try iii)
2020-03-12T16:47:51.922Z| vcpu-0| I125: AIOMGR: AIOMgr_OpenWithRetry: Descriptor file '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Help Desk Server/help-desk-server-disk1.vmdk' locked (try four)
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: OBJLIB-FILEBE : FileBEOpen: tin't open '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Help Desk Server/help-desk-server-disk1.vmdk' : Failed to lock the file (262146).
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: DescriptorOpenInt: failed to open up '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Aid Desk Server/assistance-desk-bound-server-disk1.vmdk': Failed to lock the file (40002)
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: DISKLIB-LINK : "/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Assistance Desk Server/assist-desk-server-disk1.vmdk" : failed to open (Failed to lock the file).
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: DISKLIB-Chain : "/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Help Desk-bound Server/assistance-desk-server-disk1.vmdk" : failed to open (Failed to lock the file).
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: DISKLIB-LIB : Failed to open up '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Assistance Desk Server/help-desk-bound-server-disk1.vmdk' with flags 0x5 Failed to lock the file (16392).
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: SNAPSHOT: SnapshotAllowNative: Failed to open '/vmfs/volumes/5da8c00d-8492d324-a323-0024e869d906/Assist Desk Server/help-desk-server-disk1.vmdk': Failed to lock the file (16392)
2020-03-12T16:47:52.224Z| vcpu-0| I125: SNAPSHOT: SnapshotGetDisksWork: Failed compatibility check for 'assistance-desk-server-disk1.vmdk': Failed to lock the file (5)
2020-03-12T16:47:52.225Z| vcpu-0| I125: SnapshotVMXNativePrepareDisks: Failed to go disk information: Failed to lock the file (v).
2020-03-12T16:47:52.225Z| vcpu-0| I125: Checkpoint_Unstun: vm stopped for 1513839 us
2020-03-12T16:47:52.227Z| vcpu-0| I125: SnapshotVMXTakeSnapshotWork: Transition to fashion i.
2020-03-12T16:47:52.227Z| vcpu-0| I125: SnapshotVMXTakeSnapshotComplete: Done with snapshot 'VM Snapshot three%252f12%252f2020, 4:00:53 PM': 0
2020-03-12T16:47:52.227Z| vcpu-0| I125: DISKLIB-LIB_CREATE : Failed to become info: no handle.
2020-03-12T16:47:52.227Z| vcpu-0| I125: SnapshotVMXTakeSnapshotComplete: Snapshot 0 failed: Failed to lock the file (5).

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It's not as difficult equally the problems y'all are having, just the OVA download is non designed for ESXi, though i think back up believed it to be a generic export, information technology's non configured correctly then VMware ESXi struggles with it.

If yous can import it to workstation then upwardly[load it to vcentre it will be fine, but there are also bug with the networking, so you do need to accept some VMware feel if you desire to fix it and make it work exterior of the link i provided.

What are y'all putting a snapshot on information technology for, the lock error is VM specific and not related to the OS or image

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ok give thanks yous I will try to install free workstation and import it from ESX and consign information technology over again - hope this set up existing issues.

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Y'all dont demand to export information technology.

If you run a trial of WS Pro fifteen or something similar this, it tin can connect to ESXi and you but upload it, just you lot practice demand a fiddling Ubuntu noesis to set the NIC.

I'thou merely near to practise this and if i tin can go it working fairly precipitous, i might supply you a download then yous tin merely import it - but dont await it, depends on my time at the moment

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no worries I already fix the network in one case it was exported from virtual box to player and from histrion to esx/vcenter

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Player volition complain importing information technology, but will notwithstanding do information technology

I guess we should be lucky nosotros don't utilize Hyper-V - though with a little magic it can be made to work there too

There is also a script in the beta forum to download it to your ain Ubuntu, but i don't know if this will get you the latest, I was quickly disappointed with it

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FYI, downloaded the latest OVA, imported to workstation, uploaded to ESXi half dozen.7U3 fully patched, and all working, took about 15 minutes.

If y'all want a clean exported OVA i will create one, you will have to run the configure yourself, but i tin exercise it

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that would be great - thank you

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PM sent

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This was by the easiest way to get effectually those errors for me. https://rawsec.ml/en/virtualbox-consign-vmware-esxi/

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