Privacy Policy

We at The Divorce Doctor/Dr. Elizabeth Cohen respect Your privacy. This Privacy Policy is designed to explain how We collect, use, share, and protect the personal information You provide to Us when You lot access Our website, purchase Our appurtenances or services, or engage with Us on social media, too as Your own rights to the data We collect.

Delight read this Privacy Policy carefully. We will alert You to any changes to this Policy by changing the "last updated" date at the top of this Policy. Any changes become constructive immediately upon publication on Our website, and You waive specific notice of any changes to the Policy by standing to utilize and access Our site(s). We encourage You to review this Privacy Policy periodically, when Yous use Our website for whatever purpose or engage with United states of america on social media. Y'all are accounted to have accepted whatsoever changes to any revised Privacy Policy by Your continued use of Our website subsequently the revised Privacy Policy is posted.


We collect a variety of data from You when You visit Our website, brand purchases, or interact with Us on social media. By accepting this Privacy Policy, Yous are specifically consenting to Our collection of the data described below, to Our use of the data, to the processing of this data, and to Our sharing of the information with tertiary-party processors as needed for Our legitimate business organisation interests. The information We collect may include:

Personal Data is data that tin exist used to identify You specifically, including Your proper name, shipping address, electronic mail address, telephone number, or demographic information like Your age, gender, or hometown. You lot consent to giving The states this data by providing it to United states voluntarily on Our website or any mobile application. You provide some of this information when You lot register with or brand purchases from Our website. You lot may besides provide this information by participating in diverse activities associated with Our site, including responding to blogs, contacting Us with questions, or participating in group training. Your decision to disclose this data is entirely voluntary. You are under no obligation to provide this information, but Your refusal may prevent You from accessing sure benefits from Our website or from making purchases.

DERIVATIVE Information
Derivative information is information that Our servers automatically collect near You when Y'all access Our website, such as Your IP address, browser type, the dates and times that You access Our website, and the specific pages You view. If You are using a mobile application, Our servers may collect information about Your device name and type, Your phone number, Your country of origin, and other interactions with Our application. Derivative data may too include data collected by third-party service providers, such as advertizement and analytics providers, and may include cookies, log data, or web beacons. Cookies are discussed more than fully below. Derivative data collected by third-political party service providers more often than not does not identify a specific individual.

Fiscal DATA
Financial data is information that is related to Your payment method, such as credit card or banking concern transfer details. We collect financial data in gild to allow You to purchase, order, return, or commutation products or services from Our website and any related mobile apps. We store limited fiscal data. Most financial data is transferred to Our payment processor, Stripe via Kajabi, and You should review these processors' Privacy Policy to make up one's mind how they employ, disclose, and protect Your financial data. As a courtesy, Stripe's Privacy Policy can be found here: Kajabi's Privacy Policy can be plant hither:

We may admission personal information from social networking sites and apps, including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Snapchat, or other social networking sites or apps not named specifically here, which may include Your name, Your social network username, location, e-mail address, age, gender, profile picture, and whatever other public information. If You lot do not desire United states of america to access this information, please become to the specific social networking site and modify Your privacy settings.

If You use Our website via a mobile device or app, We may collect data about Your mobile device, including device ID, model and manufacturer, and location data.

OTHER Information
On occasion, Yous may give United states additional data in order to enter into a contest or giveaway or to participate in a survey. You volition exist prompted for this information and it will be clear that You are offering this kind of information in commutation for an entry into such a contest or giveaway.


Your information allows Us to offer Y'all certain products and services, including the use of Our website, to fulfill Our obligations to Yous, to customize Your interaction with Our visitor and Our website, and to allow The states to suggest other products and services Nosotros think might involvement You. We mostly shop Your data and transmit it to a tertiary party for processing. Withal, to the extent We process Your information, Nosotros do so to serve Our legitimate business interests (such as providing Yous with the opportunity to purchase Our goods or services and interact with Our website or mobile app).

Specifically, We may employ the data and data described above to:

  1. Create and administer Your account; and
  2. Deliver any products or services purchased by Y'all to You; and
  3. Correspond with You lot; and
  4. Process payments or refunds; and
  5. Contact Yous about new offerings that We think Yous will exist interested in; and
  6. Collaborate with You lot via social media; and
  7. Send You a newsletter or other updates nearly Our visitor or website; and
  8. Deliver targeted advertisement; and
  9. Request feedback from You lot; and
  10. Notify You of updates to Our production and service offerings; and
  11. Resolve disputes and troubleshoot any issues; and
  12. Administer contests or giveaways; and
  13. Generate a profile that is personalized to You, so that time to come interactions with Our website will be more than personal; and
  14. Compile anonymous statistical information for Our own use or for a tertiary party's use; and
  15. Assist law enforcement every bit necessary; and
  16. Prevent fraudulent activity on Our website or mobile app; and
  17. Analyze trends to improve Our website and offerings.


The information We collect and shop is used primarily to permit Us to offer goods and services for sale. In add-on, The Divorce Md/Dr. Elizabeth Cohen may collect, use, and process Your information based on the following grounds:

LEGITIMATE Business organization INTERESTS

We may utilise and process Your data for Our legitimate business interests, which include, amid other things, communicating with Y'all, improving Our goods or services, improving Our website, and providing You with the information or products that You have requested.

Performance of a Contract: We may use and process Your information to enter into a contract with You and to perform Our contractual obligations to Y'all.

Consent: Nosotros may use Your data, or permit selected third parties to utilize Your data, based on Your consent to Our use and sharing of that information. You may withdraw Your consent at any fourth dimension, but doing so may affect Your ability to use Our website or other offerings.

Equally required past law: We may also employ or process Your information as required for Us to comply with legal obligations.


We may share Your information with tertiary parties in sure situations. In item, We may share Your information with third-party processors as needed to serve Our legitimate business interests, which include administration of Our website, administration of Your account, entering into contracts with You, communicating with You, taking orders for goods or services, delivering Our goods and services, identifying trends, protecting the security of Our company and website, and marketing additional goods and services to You. The legal footing for Our disclosure of Your data is both Your Consent to this Privacy Policy and Our ain right to protect and promote Our legitimate business interests.

The post-obit are specific reasons why We may share Your information:

Third Political party Processing: We may disclose Your information to 3rd parties who assist Us with various tasks, including payment processing, hosting services, email delivery, communications, and customer service. We may non e'er disclose these tertiary-party processors if not required by constabulary. We do not qualify them to use or disclose Your personal data except in connection with providing Our company with their services.

By Police: We may share Your data as required by police force or to respond to legal process, including a amendment, or as necessary to protect the rights, holding, and prophylactic of others. This includes sharing information with other parties to preclude or accost fraud and to avoid credit risks.

To Protect Our Company: We may use Your information to protect Our visitor, including to investigate and remedy whatsoever violations of Our rights or policies. We may likewise disclose Your information as reasonably necessary to learn and maintain insurance coverage, manage risks, obtain fiscal or legal advice, or to exercise or defend confronting legal claims.

Business organization Transfers: In the unlikely outcome Our company engages in a merger, conquering, defalcation proceedings, dissolution, reorganization, or similar transaction or proceeding, We may transfer or share Your information as part of that proceeding. In such transitions, customer information is one of the business assets that is acquired by a third political party. Y'all acknowledge that such business transfers may occur and that Your personal data can continue to exist stored, used, or processed equally otherwise gear up forth in this privacy policy.

Advertisers: We may use 3rd-party advertising companies to run and manage Our ads, such every bit RevKey to produce ads that appears when Yous visit Our website. These companies may use information well-nigh Your visit to Our website and other websites that are contained in spider web cookies (as described below) to offering You personalized advertisements about appurtenances and services that might interest You. We cannot control the activities of such other advertisers or web sites. You should consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party advertisers for more detailed data on their practices too every bit for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.

Please notation that, at this time, We practise not recognize automated browser signals regarding tracking systems, which may include "do not track" instructions.

Other Third Parties: We may share data with advertisers, Our investors, or other 3rd parties for the purpose of conducting general business analysis. If Nosotros do so, We will brand reasonable efforts to inform You if required past law.

Interaction With Others: If Y'all collaborate with others on Our website or mobile app, such as participating in a grouping chat or a group online grade, other users may take admission to some of Your data, including Your name, profile motion picture, and Your history of interaction with Our website, such every bit prior comments or posts.

Online Postings: When You mail online, Your posts may be viewed by others, and Nosotros may distribute Your comments outside the website.

External Links: Our website may include hyperlinks to other websites non controlled by Us. We advise You exercise circumspection when clicking on a hyperlink. Although Nosotros utilize reasonable intendance in including a hyperlink on Our own spider web folio, We exercise not regularly monitor the websites of these third parties and are not responsible for any impairment or consequences You suffer by using these hyperlinks. We are not bound by the Privacy Policies of any tertiary-political party website that You access by a hyperlink, nor are they bound by ours. We encourage Y'all to read the Policies of those 3rd-political party websites earlier interacting with them or making purchases. They may collect different information and past different methods than We practise.

Other Purposes: We may disclose Your personal data as necessary to comply with whatever legal obligation or to protect Your interests, or the vital interests of others or Our company.


Log Files: Like many other websites, We brand apply of log files. These files merely log visitors to the site – usually a standard procedure for hosting companies and a part of hosting services' analytics. The information within the log files includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser blazon, Net Service Provider (ISP), date/fourth dimension postage stamp, referring/go out pages, and possibly the number of clicks. This information is used to analyze trends, administer the site, track user's movement effectually the site, and gather demographic data. IP addresses and other such information are non linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies: We also use cookies — small-scale text files sent to Us by Your computer — and web beacons to shop certain information. We may employ cookies to cosign Your identity, to determine if You are logged onto Our website, for personalization, for security, for targeted advertising, or for assay of the functioning of Our website and services. For case, cookies allow Us to recommend blog posts to Y'all based on what You accept read on Our site in the past. We use cookies that are not specific to Your business relationship but unique enough to allow Usa to clarify full general trends and use, and to customize Your interaction with Our website. This information helps U.s. to empathise the apply of Our site and to improve Our website and service offerings.

We may utilize whatever or all of the following types of cookies:

Essential Cookies: These cookies help U.s.a. run Our website and improve Your experience with Our website. These cookies may permit content to load more chop-chop or allow You lot to access "members only" or repeat-users sections of Our website.

Functionality Cookies: These cookies let The states to remember Your preferences from earlier visits to Our website, including login data, and then that You lot do non have to input the same data multiple times.

Social Media Cookies: These cookies let Us to record when You have engaged with a social media tool while visiting Our website. For instance, We may record that You take "liked" a certain attribute of Our website. The social media application may also share information with The states that Y'all have allowed information technology to share. If Yous wish to modify Your social media sharing settings, please visit the privacy settings of the social media network.

Advertising Cookies: We may piece of work with tertiary-political party ad partners who collect information about Your browsing habits on Our website in guild to later brandish a relevant ad about Our services when You are on a third-party site such as a social media platform. These cookies may also allow Us to access Your location.

In addition, when Yous first encounter Our website, You will be asked to "consent to cookies." If You wish to disable cookies, Y'all may do so through Your individual browser options. However, this may affect Your power to use or make purchases from Our website. More detailed data near cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites. More than information about cookies can be found at What Are Cookies? By continuing to employ Our website and not disabling cookies on Your browser, You are consenting to Our utilise of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy.

In addition, We may apply third-party software to post advertisements on Our website or mobile awarding, to oversee marketing or email campaigns, or manage other company initiatives. These third-party softwares may apply cookies or similar tracking technology. We take no command over these 3rd parties or their use of cookies. For more than information on opting out of interest-based ads, visit the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-Out Tool or Digital Advertising Alliance Opt-Out Tool.

Pixel Tags: We may apply a pixel tag, which is a pocket-size graphic file that allows U.s. to monitor the utilise of Our website and provide United states of america with information regarding Your interaction with the website. These tags may collect the IP address from the device You lot are using, and the browser blazon. Pixel tags are also used by Our third-party partners to collect information when Y'all visit Our website, and Nosotros may apply this information to display targeted advertisements.

Electronic mail Confirmations: We may receive email confirmations when You lot open an email from Us. This allows Us to determine if users are responding favorably to Our electronic mail communications and to amend those communications.

Other Technologies: Other data technologies may be used that collect comparable data for security, fraud detection, and similar purposes, to give Us data well-nigh Your use of Our website, and to greater improve Our website and service offerings to Y'all.


We may partner with third-party analytic companies, including Google Analytics. The analytic companies may likewise use cookies (described above) or other tracking technologies to analyze visitors' use of Our website or mobile app to make up one's mind the popularity of the content, and meliorate sympathise online action. We do non transfer personal information to these tertiary-political party vendors. Withal, in order to access Our website, You lot must consent to the collection and utilise of Your information by these third-political party analytic companies. You lot should review their Privacy Policy and contact them directly if You have questions. If You do not want whatever data to be collected and used by tracking technologies, visit the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-Out Tool or Digital Advertizing Alliance Opt-Out Tool.

Google Analytics: Y'all can opt-out of having Your activity on Our website made available to Google Analytics past installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser improver. This addition prevents Google Analytics from retrieving information near Your visits to Our website. For more information about Google's Privacy Policy, please visit:

Facebook: You can opt-out of Facebook'southward involvement-based ads by visiting: https://world wide
You lot can learn more about Facebook's Privacy Policy at: https://world wide


For the near part, Nosotros practice not process Your information in-house, but give information technology to 3rd-party processors for processing. For instance, when PayPal takes Your payment data, they are a third-party processor. They process Your payment and remit the funds to Us. So in many instances, it will be necessary for U.s. to transmit Your information to a third-political party processor, as We practice not have the capability to perform these functions. More detail on 3rd-party processing is detailed below.

However, Nosotros may, from fourth dimension to fourth dimension, process Your information internally. The legal basis for this processing is both Your consent to the processing, Our need to conduct Our legitimate business interests, and to comply with legal obligations. Our purposes in processing this data, if We practice, is to administrate, maintain, and improve Our website and offerings, to enter into contracts with You, to fulfill the terms of those contracts, to continue records of Our transactions and interactions, to be able to provide You with appurtenances and services, to comply with Our legal obligations, to obtain professional advice, and to protect the rights and interests of Our company, Our customers (including You), and any 3rd parties. We may procedure the post-obit information:

  1. Data associated with Your account, such equally Your name, address, email address, and payment information.
  2. Data about Your usage of Our website, such as Your IP address, geographical information, and how long Y'all accessed Our website and what You lot viewed.
  3. Data related to Your personal profile, such equally Your name, address, contour picture, interests and hobbies, or employment details.
  4. Data that Yous provide Usa in the form of using Our services.
  5. Data that You post on Our website, such as comments or responses to blogs.
  6. Data that You lot submit to United states of america when You make an inquiry regarding Our website or offerings.
  7. Data related to Your transactions with Us, including Your purchase of Our goods or services. This information may include contact details and payment data.
  8. Data that You provide to The states when You subscribe to Our emails or newsletters, including Your email address and contact information.
  9. Data that You submit to Us via correspondence, such as when You email U.s.a. with questions.
  10. Any other data identified in this policy, for the purpose of complying with Our legal obligations, or to protect the vital interests of You or any other natural person.


Nosotros retain personal data as long as information technology is needed to conduct Our legitimate business purposes or to comply with Our legal obligations, or until You ask Us to delete Your data. For case, We will retain sure personal information indefinitely for the purposes of maintaining Your business relationship, unless and until You delete Your business relationship. Data that We gather for a specific and particular purpose, such equally assisting police enforcement or analyzing trends, will be kept for no longer than is necessary for that item purpose. Information that is no longer needed by Us for whatsoever of the purposes listed above volition be permanently deleted.

We will honor Your asking to delete Your data, every bit described more fully below, unless We are required by law to retain access to the data. However, notation that We cannot control the retention policies of 3rd parties. If You wish to have any third parties, including those to whom We've transmitted Your information, delete that data, Yous volition need to contact those third parties directly. You may request from U.s. a list of all tertiary parties to whom We have transmitted Your data.

We may retain usage data (that is, information that is gathered past Our company or 3rd-party analytics companies for the purpose of analyzing the use of Our website) as needed for internal analysis purposes. This type of data is ordinarily retained for a shorter period of time than personal data, unless the data is necessary to improve the security or functionality of Our website or offerings, or We are legally obligated to retain the data for a longer period of fourth dimension.


We take all reasonable steps to protect Your personal data and keep Your data secure. We use recognized online secure payment systems and implement generally accepted standards of security to protect against personal data loss or misuse. Notwithstanding, no security measure is foolproof, and no method of data manual can be guaranteed against interception or misuse. We cannot guarantee consummate security of any data You transmit to Us.

Past consent to this Privacy Policy, You admit that Your personal data may be available, via the internet, around the world. We cannot forestall the utilize or misuse of Your information by other parties.

We volition notify You promptly of any known breach of Our security systems or Your data which might expose Y'all to serious adventure.


Our website is hosted by servers located in the Usa. Therefore, if You reside outside the United States of America, some of Your data will exist transferred internationally to and stored on those servers. In addition, Nosotros may utilise third-political party processors (including payment processors) and subcontractors located in the United states of america. We utilise all reasonable methods to protect the safety of Your data during transfer, including hosting Our website on reputable servers and engaging reputable third-party processors. By using this site and providing Us with information, You consent to this transfer, processing, and storage of Your information in the The states of America. Annotation that the privacy laws in the United States of America may not exist equally strict every bit those in other countries. Please be aware that:

  • We may transfer data that We collect to locations outside of Our headquarters for processing or storing, and the data may exist processed by Our staff or by third-party processors. For instance, We may appoint third parties to fulfill orders. By submitting Your personal data, You lot agree to this transfer, storing, and processing. We accept all reasonable steps to make certain Your data is treated deeply and in conformity with this Privacy Policy.
  • Data that is provided to Us is stored on secure servers. Payment information and other sensitive data will be encrypted to ensure its safety.
  • The transmission of data via the internet is never completely secure, and We cannot guarantee the security of data that is sent to The states electronically. Your transmission of information to Usa is at Your own gamble.
  • Where data that You have transmitted to Us is countersign protected, You are responsible for keeping the password confidential. You lot are exclusively responsible for any breaches of Your information that results from Your own disclosure of or failure to protect Your countersign.


This website is not designed for use by children under age xvi, and We do non knowingly solicit personal data from anyone under age 16. If You are under historic period 16, practice not admission or use Our website or related products or services. If You get aware that We have collected data of anyone under the age of 16, please contact United states then that We may delete that information.


Nosotros asking that You do not submit whatsoever sensitive data to United states, via public postings, email correspondence with Us, or whatever other method, including social security number, wellness data, genetic information, or data related to Your ethnic origin, religious beliefs, or criminal history. If Yous do send U.s.a. this data, then by doing so Yous are consenting to Our employ, storage, and processing of this information in accordance with this privacy policy.


You lot take certain rights with respect to Your personal information, every bit outlined below. Note that We may charge You a reasonable fee for deportment that You inquire United states of america to take with respect to Your information. In add-on, We reserve the right to asking that Y'all provide U.s. with evidence of Your identity before Nosotros take any action with respect to the do of Your information rights. Further, Your rights may be restricted or nullified to the extent they conflict with Our compelling business interests, the public involvement, or the law.


You have the right to update or change any information You have provided to U.s.a.. To update or delete Your information, please contact Us at


You have the right to request that We ostend what data We hold about You lot, and for what purposes. Yous also have the correct to confirmation of whether Nosotros procedure Your data or deliver Your information to third-party processors, and for what purposes. We will supply Yous with copies of Your personal data unless doing so would affect the rights and freedoms of others.

Change Consent: You have the right to change Your consent to Our use of Your information. In such cases, Nosotros may require You to delete Your business relationship with Us, as described higher up, and You lot may non have full access to Our website.

Request a Copy of Data: You lot have the right to request a digital copy of the data that We hold about You lot. Your first request for a copy of Your personal data volition be provided free of charge; subsequent requests volition incur a reasonable fee.

Transfer Your Data: You lot have the right to request that We gather and transfer Your information to another controller, in a commonly used and machine readable format, unless doing so would cause The states an undue burden.

Delete All Data: You have the right to asking that We delete all data that Nosotros agree near You, and We must delete such data without undue delay. There are exceptions to this right, such as when keeping Your data is required by police, is necessary to exercise the correct of freedom of expression and information, is required for compliance with a legal obligation, or is necessary for the do or defense of legal claims. Such a request may result in a termination of Your account with The states and Y'all may have limited or no utilize of Our website.

Emails and Communications: You may opt out of receiving hereafter email correspondence from Us past checking the appropriate box when You register for the account or brand a purchase. You lot may alter Your communication settings by contacting Us at

Marketing Communications: You lot may opt out of receiving whatever third-political party marketing communications or having Your personal data used for marketing purposes. You may do this by contacting U.s. at

Processing: You may, in some circumstances, restrict the processing of Your information, such as when You contest the accuracy of Your data or when You take objected to processing, pending the verification of that objection. When processing has been restricted, We will continue to store Your data merely will not laissez passer information technology on to tertiary-political party processors without Your consent, or every bit necessary to comply with legal obligations or protect Your rights or those of others or Our company. In addition, You lot may opt out of any processing of Your data altogether. Notation, nevertheless that doing so may effect in the termination of Your account and loss of admission to Our website.

Complaints: If You are an EU resident, You accept the right to mutter to a supervising authority if You believe We are misusing Your data or have violated whatsoever of Your rights under this Privacy Policy or applicative law. You may practise so in the Eu member land in which You reside or have Your place of business or in which the declared infringement took place. If You are located outside the EU, Yous may have rights under privacy laws in the jurisdiction where You live.


The State of California has established its own unique regulations that utilize to California residents.

Every bit of its effective date of Jan 1, 2020 We are also compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act Of 2018, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 Et Seq. (CCPA).

Any California resident may request, free of accuse, the personal information We have collected or stored about themselves or virtually a member of their household. For security purposes, We reserve the correct to ask for verification of Your identity and proof of your California residency at the time of your asking.

Whatever California resident has a right to request the personal information We have collected, or asking deletion of the personal information We have collected, including just non express to:

  • Any personally identifying information, such as a real name, alias(es), mailing or resident accost, IP address, email address, account proper noun, biometrics, or whatsoever other data that could uniquely identify a California resident; and
  • Commercial information, including products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, search history, interactions with Our website, or any other purchasing or browsing history of Our site and/or offering(s); and
  • Site comments made publicly or privately; and
  • Geolocation data; and
  • Professional or employment-related information; and
  • Didactics information.

We reserve the right to collect any of the above data on California residents and their households.

We Exercise Not plan on selling your data. Regardless, any California resident tin email us at to explicitly asking to opt-out of any such auction of data.

California residents also have the option to request a total deletion of their business relationship and whatsoever data Nosotros have collected and associated with them.

We agree to comply with any information request or deletion made pursuant to the CCPA in a reasonable timeframe, during normal business hours and excluding holidays or Our pre-scheduled time off.


We offer the opportunity for You to volunteer certain information to United states of america that is used for email and marketing purposes. This information includes, but is not limited to, Your name and electronic mail. Yous volition have an opportunity to unsubscribe from any future communications via e-mail, but We reserve the right to maintain a database of past e-mail subscribers. We reserve the right to use this data every bit reasonably necessary in Our concern and as provided by law. Your information will be shared with reasonably necessary parties for the ordinary grade of conducting Our business concern, such as through Facebook ads or Google Pay Per Click marketing campaigns. Nosotros do non ever sell Your information to third parties.