How to Create a Custom Watermark for Photography

Batch watermark thousands of photos quickly. Put text to photograph, insert logo, or combination of both. Add custom watermarks. Cull from 926 fonts or use your own fonts. Watermark photos offline. Save watermark templates for later use. Free trial version. This batch watermark software runs on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

I will use Visual Watermark - batch watermark software. Here is a quick demonstration.

Watermark Photos Without Net Connection

Visual Watermark works on your computer, not on the internet. Even if you take slow internet connection, or your reckoner gone offline, you lot will yet exist able to protect your pictures.

Watermarking photos locally is also much faster than using web tools. Modern cameras produce very big images. Sending them even over fast network connections takes a lot of time. Visual Watermark starts watermarking your photos instantly.

Working offline means nobody tin can access your originals. When you employ a webservice, their owners get access to your originals. Nobody knows how they will use them, especially if you use a free web service.

Batch watermark photos offline

Design Custom Watermark

Visual Watermark has many watermark elements. Watermark photos using text, brand, website address, logo and copyright symbols. Yous tin suit the watermark the manner you like: make it small or big, opaque or transparent, rotated or direct.

The app comes with more than 200 fonts and 66 furnishings that you can use to make a truly unique watermark. Yous tin too utilise your ain fonts or fonts you get with Monotype or Adobe font subscriptions.

The app allows you to save watermarks for later on utilize or share them across your part. You lot can create as many watermarks you need. Depending on the project, you will be able to rapidly detect appropriate template.

Custom watermark appearance

Choose Watermark Position For Every Picture In The Batch

Visual Watermark allows yous to watermark mural, portrait and cropped photos at once. Drag all photos into the app and design your watermark. The app will automatically correct its size and position where necessary.

You lot can customize the position and size chosen by the app. Delight click Preview push on the 3rd app screen. This volition open a dialog where you tin preview how the watermark looks on every picture in the batch. Y'all tin can set individual watermark positions where necessary.

Automatic Watermark Position and Size

automatic watermark position

Manual Watermark Position and Size

manual watermark position

Protect Against Automated Watermark Removal

Some companies develop watermark removal algorithms. They work by analyzing a batch of watermarked images, figuring out what part of the picture is a watermark. And then they're able to completely remove it. Photo stock websites are especially vulnerable, since they place the same watermark across all photo previews.

Visual Watermark slightly randomizes watermarks to make them more robust. Every picture gets a re-create of watermark that looks almost the same simply actually is a piddling bit different. This makes it harder for automated algorithms to wipe the watermark completely. More about automated watermark removal.

Resize Photos After Watermarking

Watermarks can be removed sometimes. For instance, if a watermark was placed on photo confronting apparently heaven, someone can paint it over and thus remove your protection. If a full-resolution image was published online, the villain gets original flick. Keep originals on your computer instead. Publish only images of lower resolution. Even if a villain removes watermark, nobody will get access to the original.

You can resize photos using Visual Watermark by choosing "Resize" selection on the 3rd app screen.

Why Y'all Should Watermark Photos

In the modernistic world many people create visual content, uploading tons of pictures on the Internet every day. If y'all happen to be one of them - y'all have a website, a blog or you dearest to share your photos on social media — so you may have already wondered what's the indicate of a visual watermark and whether you should add it to your photos.

A watermark is a visible semitransparent stamp: a logo, a name of a make or a proper noun overlaid on the original image. Ideally, a watermark should not distract the attention from the motion picture itself.

The first and foremost purpose of watermarks is to protect your copyrights and prevent prototype theft. Imagine that you posted your content on the internet without making a watermark. A couple of days or weeks later of a sudden yous institute out that somebody had stolen your picture and claimed them every bit their ain, thereby attracting new customers or followers. Had you watermarked your photo, yous could've avoided this terrible state of affairs, because it conspicuously states who the author is. Of course, creating a tiny watermark in the corner of a photo does not guarantee you a total protection. If you already know how to watermark photos, we recommend checking out this article to know how to amend it: how to improve your watermarks.

Another advantage of watermarking your photos is branding and promoting your make as information technology is basically a free advert. Having seen your photos or photos of your products on the Net, potential clients can chop-chop discover your website or your profile on social media with the help of your watermark, but typing in your proper name or the name of your brand in the search bar. It is a lot easier than playing detective and trying to place the original source of the picture on your own. For instance, wear brands put a proper name tag on all of their items, and then that people would know who made them. Watermarks are proper noun tags for our images.
Plus, people beginning to associate your brand with a certain way and type of photos.

In the past corking artists quite often marked their works, putting their names inside of a film. Information technology was a tool to expand their clientele also as to protect their copyrights, although at that time non so many people were able to forge accurately incredible masterpieces. Unfortunately, nowadays your images just a couple of clicks away from being stolen. If you want to prevent paradigm theft and at the same time promote your make, increment your sales and drive traffic to your website, and then you lot should watermark your pictures.

In instance you yet have doubts, you can find more information about pros and cons of watermarking your photos here: watermark photos or non?.

Visual Watermark is a watermark software for Mac and Windows with the batch way support allowing yous to watermark 100s of photos at one time. It comes with a diversity of watermark templates and appearance options. With Visual Watermark, watermarking photos is easy like A-B-C and extremely fast. All yous have to practice is to perform iii simple steps. And you are washed.

Please note that removing somebody else's watermark isn't legal in nigh countries. In United states fines are as loftier as $2500. Search for a gratis epitome instead of removing somebody else'south watermark. For instance, you can search for images in this collection.

How To Make A Watermark - Video Guide

Here is a step-by-step video guide on how to use the app to watermark your photos:

And you lot will find text transcription beneath. If you demand to watermark photos on your phone, tablet or Chromebook, cheque our online watermarking app.

Step 1 – Select Photos For Watermarking

Elevate and drop photos or entire folders to Visual Watermark, or click 'Select Images' and choose required photos/folders in the 'Open File' dialog. To select all photos contained in a folder, printing Ctrl+A on Windows or Cmd+A on Mac.

How to select photos for watermarking

To clear selected images, click the 'Clear' push.

Photos selected for watermarking

Step 2 – Create Your Brand New Watermark

At this footstep, you can customize the watermark (layout, position, rotation, opacity and car-scale) and make it expect personal. You tin add a logo (Add together Logo), evidently text (Add together Text) or a combination of both (Add Group).

Add watermark to photos

Visual Watermark puts 10 built-in watermark templates to help you quickly create your ain watermark. A watermark template can comprise a logo and upwards to iii text lines. Y'all tin can add as many watermark templates every bit required to etch your make new watermark.

Click the 'Add Grouping' push and select the required template. To provide your own logo, select a watermark template with the 'Logo' glyph.

Depending on a template you have selected at previous stride, you lot should specify your ain logo and text (title and/or subtitle, phone number, etc.).

Click a watermark element (logo or text) to select it. The second click selects the entire watermark group (template).

watermark templates

Watermark Position

One time an entire watermark or its element is selected, it becomes possible to change watermark position and customization options appear on the correct. Click the watermark and drag it to change watermark position. You can use arrows on your keyboard to motion the watermark every bit well.

Changing Appearance

All available customization options are displayed to the right.

Watermark appearance options

Watermark customization options include:

  • Power to scale and rotate the watermark at the specified location.
  • Ability to specify the watermark's opacity from 100 possible levels.
  • Ability to specify 2 of 66 visual effects.
  • Enable the Tile selection to fill prototype with your watermark.
  • Select i of 926 fonts.
  • Ability to specify the text brightness and color using the Color Wheel.
  • Ability to specify your own logo and remove the background color from it.

Read our guide to learn how to position a watermark for better protection of your photos: How To Amend Your Watermark Protection.

Re-using Watermark Templates

Visual Watermark automatically saves your watermark template. Side by side time yous open the app, information technology will load previously used watermark template automatically. If yous don't desire to use the same watermark template again, click Remove Watermark button on the right.

Remove older watermark template

If yous desire to utilize older watermark template, click Next Step push button in the top-correct corner to go to the screen #3.

If your watermark template is empty, Visual Watermark will offer yous to use ane of older watermark templates or create a new one.

Older watermark templates

Visual Watermark saves up to 10 watermark templates. But click on the watermark template to load it.

Step iii – Specify Output Settings and Watermark Photos

Visual Watermark provides the following output options:

  • Output Folder. Click 'Alter' and select the required binder. Note you cannot export images to the folder which contains original images.

  • Auto-Scale Watermarks. If this option is enabled, Visual Watermark automatically adjusts the size of watermarks for cropped and hello-res images in the same batch.

  • Proceed Binder Structure. If this option is enabled, Visual Watermark preserves paradigm folders. This option appears automatically if you select photos from several folders.

  • Image Quality. Choose 1 of the post-obit compression levels: Medium, Good, Superb and Maximum. The higher epitome quality (resolution), though, the larger the file size.

  • Resize Photos. Select one of the following resize methods: Do not resize images, Fit image width (to the specified number of pixels), Fit prototype pinnacle (to the specified number of pixels), Fit width and height (to the specified number of pixels). Don't publish high-res photos online to avoid them from being stolen.

  • Rename Photos. You can leave file names unchanged or provide new names to prettify camera file names.

  • Metadata Copyright. Allows you to specify your copyright and contact information. This information is added into the paradigm metadata (EXIF) and isn't visible. It tin exist read using the file dialog (Windows) and Preview app (Mac).

Once all required output settings are specified, click 'Watermark' to start watermarking your photos.

Output folder for watermarked photos

Step four – Save Your Watermark

Visual Watermark will automatically salvage your watermark template when you quit. Next time you open the app, it will load previously used watermark automatically.

Should you lot want to ship the template to a unlike computer, salvage information technology to a file. Click the Export Watermark Template button, select the location and specify the file proper noun. Watermark templates are stored in VWM4 file types. To load the watermark, double click a file with the required watermark. Visual Watermark will beginning and load your template.

Watermarked photos


How tin can I add a watermark to my photo?

  1. Launch Visual Watermark.
  2. Click "Select Images" or drag your photos into the app.
  3. Select one or more than images yous would similar to watermark.
  4. Click "Next Stride".
  5. Choose one of three options "Add together text", "Add logo" or "Add together group", depending what type of a watermark you lot desire.
  6. Blazon your text, if you desire a textual watermark, or choose/upload a logo.
  7. Drag your watermark to a desired position or use arrows on your keyboard to move it.
  8. Edit your watermark with the help of editing tools on the right side of the screen. You can change font, color, size, opacity and rotation, add one or ii effects and enable a tile option.
  9. Click "Next Step" to go to Output Settings, when you are happy with your watermark.
  10. Specify Output Settings and select a folder to save your photos in.
  11. Click "Preview" if you desire to see a preview of your watermarked images.
  12. Click "Watermark" to showtime watermarking your images.

What does it mean to watermark your photos?

To watermark a photo means to add a text or a logo to your image in social club to claim that you are the owner of this photo. Your text or logo can be more than or less visible in club to make information technology piece of cake or hard to see the watermark.

How practice I watermark my photos quickly?

In order to watermark your photos quickly, you can use i of your previously made watermark templates. Visual Watermark saves upwards to 10 watermark templates.

If you lot don't have a lot of photos to watermark and you don't want to install anything, you lot can use the online watermarking app, Watermarkly. It is fast and works right in your browser.

If you are using Visual Watermark for the starting time time, select images, choose what type of watermark yous desire, edit your watermark using editing tools, specify output settings and click "Watermark" to watermark your images. Visual Watermark supports batch watermarking, and so you tin can easily and quickly watermark a lot of images at one time.

Should y'all watermark photos?

Yes, y'all should for two reasons - protection and promotion. The principal purpose of a watermark is to copyright your photos and preclude whatsoever attempts of theft. Stock photography companies employ repetitive watermarks across their images in club to protect them. Watermark can too help with promoting your image. If someone randomly sees your photo with your proper noun on it, they will know who the author is. They tin look yous up to see more of your works. It is wise to watermark your photos earlier posting them on social media.

Where do I identify a watermark on my photo?

The almost common position of a watermark is in the bottom correct corner. This style it doesn't have away the attention from your prototype. However, if you position your watermark in any of four corners, it makes it easier for thieves to crop it out. Watermarks are secure just if you employ them properly. The best protection is achieved by placing your watermark in the center of the photo and make information technology cover at least xxx% of your image. You can make the watermark semi-transparent for a better viewing experience.

Read more than here

How do I watermark a jpeg?

JPG is the about common prototype format. The majority pictures that you see online are JPG. In social club to watermark a jpeg, yous have to select your images, choose what kind of watermark yous desire to add (text, logo or group), edit your watermark, specify the output settings and click "Watermark" to watermark you lot image.

How do I put watermarks on my photos for gratuitous?

You can use trial version of Visual Watermark to watermark your photos for costless. However, any photos you protect volition have a "Trial Version" text added onto them. Alternatively, you tin utilize the online app for batch watermarking - Watermarkly. It is fast, easy-to-use and yous don't have to install annihilation.

How do I watermark my logo?

  1. Launch Visual Watermark.
  2. Click "Select Images" or drag your photos into the app.
  3. Select i or more images you would like to watermark.
  4. Click "Next Step".
  5. Choose "Add together logo". You lot tin upload a logo template or cull one from 60 built-in logos.
  6. Edit logo watermark using editing tools. You tin can change colour, size, opacity and rotation, add i or two effects, enable a tile choice or remove background of your logo.
  7. Click "Next Step" to go to Output Settings, when you lot are happy with your watermark.
  8. Specify Output Settings and select a binder to save your photos in.
  9. Click "Preview" if y'all desire to see a preview of your watermarked images.
  10. Click "Watermark" to beginning watermarking your images.

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