Nebraska Furniture Mart Samsung Tv Sale

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Original review: May 2, 2019

I retrieve most people shop at NFM because of their large brandish room selection, large warehouse inventories, and competitive prices. The other part the equation, that most people don't stop to call up nigh, and where NFM fails in my experience, is delivery. I waited almost a calendar month for a delivery scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) of a Whirlpool stove and OTR microwave just to receive a call from NFM this morning informing me that the items accept not yet arrived in their warehouse. The delivery had to be rescheduled for at least another Iv WEEKS. And, they but practice commitment/installation of appliances in Lincoln (less than an hour away from Omaha NFM) on Fridays. I work out of town on Fridays and had to accept tomorrow off work equally a vacation 24-hour interval.

I purchased two kitchen appliances nearby a twelvemonth ago from NFM and had TWO cancelled/rescheduled commitment dates. Now, I've learned my lesson about shopping at NFM. Price and selection doesn't mean a whole lot if you lot tin can't follow through with delivery. Thank you to Schaefer's in Lincoln. They have exactly the same stove and microwave in their warehouse and volition be able to evangelize and install in 4 days. Second lesson learned -- don't forget your hometown retailer who might not have the price and selection of NFM, just understands service and delivery.

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Original review: April 19, 2019

I will NEVER store at NFM again!! I recently ordered a king mattress and box jump set. When it was delivered, both of the box springs had stains on them and the mattress was ripped. I chosen and was told a replacement set would be delivered the next day. That set arrived defective/used likewise. Ane of the box springs had a rip in it & the mattress was stained and also had a rip in information technology. Not to mention, information technology was embarrassingly obvious that none of the commitment men had ever handled a king mattress before every bit they had no clue how to motility ane up & down the stairs and left me with huge scrapes and scratches all over my walls.

The service manager was less than apologetic and rather accusatory when I called to mutter nearly the 2nd set being defective, it was a complete joke!! What a complete waste of my time! It seems equally though NFM is trying to pass off used mattresses as new and then when customers find out they are the ones who are disgruntled!! No cheers, I'll gladly have my business elsewhere.

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Original review: April 16, 2019

I had a very horrible experience with the refrigerator that I purchased at the Nebraska Furniture Mart. I bought the warranty from them. They promised the world to me but I bought the worst refrigerator in the globe. I bought groceries and the next week had to throw out considering information technology became rotten and spoiled milk. Lots of people from tech accept come up and when they're done they say is fixed. It'southward never stock-still. I honey shopping there only I end up hating it after buy because it's but horrible products. All I desire is my refrigerator fixed. As well all the juice and milk it feels like you have to bustle and drinkable fast before information technology spoiled. It turns everything into ice. They told me to salvage receipts because they volition pay back just never do. Ane mean solar day I wasted a day considering they said they would come up before 6 at eight pm. Never showed up and sent a text saying they would come the side by side day. They came similar five times but information technology's never stock-still.

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Original review: April 12, 2019

I bought iii pieces of furniture. Was told everything in stock and would be delivered. Two months later still waiting. Customer Service told me the salesperson was to arraign. Salesperson said that client service does non know what they're doing. This went back and forth for weeks till we notice out the i item which was a matching honey seat was having problems. And then nonetheless lied to every bit information technology was suppose to be in 3 to iv weeks. three to 4 weeks later it was another 4 weeks again per them so told no ideas when a practiced commitment appointment might be for the detail. LOL - it gets improve.

I had to finally suggest a solution myself. They promised me a delivery on a certain engagement- Salesperson said it was all set and guaranteed - v business days subsequently and so there was plenty of fourth dimension to make sure it was delivered. That day it didn't testify and client service hooked me upwardly with a man in Delivery who said he was a manager and my item would be delivered the adjacent solar day after the original guaranteed date in the morning for certain!!! Never came - finally had to get ugly afterward more than than seven hours of phone calls and concur times with them and it showed up. And then the salesperson said they were going to requite me some money dorsum for all the pain and suffering I went through - never had the courtesy to call me. It's all lies from them!!!

The next mean solar day the caput of the store chosen me and scolded me for my language to her salesperson - LOL - she never fifty-fifty cared I was treated horribly, lied to and my delivery would have never gotten here if I hadn't raised hell. What a pathetic leader she is as the customer comes last! Don't buy annihilation here - it's horrible and the lies will overwhelm you!!! I gave them a one star as that'due south the lowest there is - shame as it deserves a minus xx.

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Original review: April 11, 2019

4 Repairs in 1 year. Purchased new with extended warranty. When dishwasher was 13 months old I contacted Whirlpool. I was told that my NFM pecker of sale included an extended warranty and therefore later on warranty assistance was not available for my repairs, I must use the extended Balls policy purchased. I chosen them and it took 2 weeks to see a repairman, who so ordered parts. When the parts came in another 2 weeks had passed. The dishwasher leaked, ordered more parts, waited for them to arrive 2 weeks later, it's still leaked.

The repair company sent another person out and fixed the leak. It works for 10 months and quits filling with water. Information technology takes 2 weeks for technician who orders parts. Parts go far smashed due to poor packing. Re-ordered parts, ii weeks pass and they come and repair the machine with a complete pump and sump again and a memory board. Information technology runs for three weeks and leaks all over the flooring again. Now waiting for 10 days earlier the repairman can get hither. I contact NFM and explained that it has been an on-going trouble and I am still washing dishes past manus and that I desire a pro-rated buyout.

Their answer was, "Yous accept 30 days to request a return, bargain with the extended warranty company." I am going shopping for a new dishwasher and simply chalk this up to NFM'south lack of empathy and volition non buy an appliance from them again. Should you purchase one because it's the best smoking deal DO Non Buy THEIR EXTENDED WARRANTY. Buy the manufacturer'southward warranty from the manufacturer, as we were told that if we had ane of their policies they would accept washed some after warranty aid.

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Nebraska Furniture Mart response

We are sad you contacted usa and were told at that place is zilch we can do later on thirty days. Nosotros would be happy to look into your extended warranty claim on your behalf, we need more information to locate your order. Also Assurant does non operate overseas. Their call center is in the The states. Please ship u.s. your order number or contact us at Alive Chat or email us. We look frontwards to hearing from you again!

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Original review: April 11, 2019

I was given a 2 hr window. I called and asked to be placed last. (Had an emerg with elderly parent) Sweet lady said they were on delivery #two and I was #5, shouldn't be a trouble. Ten minutes later on, the driver said he'd be there in fifteen min!!! I told him most my conversation. He said they had to deliver at present or reschedule. Then no selection. NOW THEY CAN'T DELIVERY FOR ii WEEKS! I tried to call the lady back within fifteen min, as I was home, to see if they were still in my area. A different person said no and we're scheduled for 2 weeks out!

Nebraska Article of furniture Mart response

Jan, thanks for leaving a review. I repent nosotros missed the commitment today causing a delay. I understand this tin be frustrating. Nosotros can look further into this for you and provide available options, delight contact our Customer Service team, chat or email.

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Original review: April 5, 2019

BEDBUGS KCK Shop. I purchased wood bunk beds for my children. One they were put together, a calendar month later the forest was riddled with bed bugs. I called NFM, of class they tried to say it was their error. I've noticed a couple of other complaints from others regarding the same upshot. I will never buy from them once more.

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Original review: March 25, 2019

Nebraska will not warranty whatever flooring yous purchase unless yous buy their installation services in add-on to the purchase!!! Don't buy from Nebraska if you desire to install it yourself or have an installer you use because they will not take responsibility for poor product quality or defects! Yous're buying at your own chance. No guarantee No refunds! Buy from an honest and reputable flooring store! They buy from unreliable manufacturers and then they send y'all to the manufacturer who is a fraud. NFM will not take function of any problems with the production.

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Original review: March 18, 2019

Beware for the things that the sales people tell you about the item you are purchasing at this shop. Nosotros bought an expensive sofa at this store and the saleslady said the absorber has lifetime warranty. When we called customer service to complain about the absorber, they said that the manufacturer of the sofa is out of business so it is unfortunate that they cannot do annihilation. While I sympathize that businesses tin can fold, there was no other alternative that this store can offering. By the manner, we also bought the extended warranty for another $500 because we wanted to make sure that nosotros volition go our money'due south worth with the piece of article of furniture. However, this company do non obviously treat customer'south satisfaction. I should accept read all the negative reviews from this shop before ownership. Likewise lesson learned not to purchase an extended warranty. Worst furniture shop e'er.

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Original review: March 12, 2019

We bought a sofa set up from Nebraska forth with tables and lamps, we paid extra coin to get the best warranty. Right subsequently the inflow the tables had started having marks by placing annihilation on the top of information technology. We called the client service twice where they said information technology'southward customer usage and not their fault. I haven't seen a article of furniture in my unabridged life where you see visible marks on the tables by placing anything on the acme. It'south not even a twelvemonth and our sofa has turned worst likewise, it produces a dissonance whoever sits on it. For the price we paid for our purchase, I think this is the worst quality furniture and the worst decision of my life. I am never going to NFM to buy anything in my entire life. Their warranty is a piece of **.

Nebraska Furniture Mart response

We are sorry that you are having these issues with your article of furniture. Please contact is with a Direct Message, via live conversation at, past email or by phone and we could investigate these issues and see if we can come to a suitable resolution for you.

Rated with 2 stars

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Original review: March 4, 2019

Nosotros bought a Samsung French door refrigerator two years ago and twice the ice maker has gone out on it. Assurant, who covers the warranty's site is e'er down. It takes a long time to get service. NFM must non care almost their customers if that'south who they utilize for their warranty service.

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Resolution response: February. 28, 2019

After calling the company several times I finally got a different person to assist me. She was wonderful! she helped me find a solution to my event. Cindy from customer service was terrible and unwilling to help me find a solution. She also said I was trying to become a $500 table from you guys when I had paid $194 for mine. I have morals and that was never what I was trying to do. I simply wanted a table that would match the rest of my furniture. I am very thankful for the other customer service woman who was really willing to help me discover a solution!

Original review: Feb. 28, 2019

I bought some furniture from this place and one of the tables started chipping within a few weeks. Since it has been almost 30 days they went ahead and gave me a new table which was neat they said if it had been longer they couldn't do anything. Then our other table started chipping about a month later and continued to scrap. It has chipped virtually 6-7 times at present... I decided that I would phone call because something has to be wrong. A table should non chip this bad in such a brusque time. We don't have animals or kids so the table barely gets used. The heaviest affair that has been on information technology is a paperback book.

When we showtime got the table it had a spot on it but since the look of the table is vintage I causeless information technology was part it of information technology. I hateful NFM wouldn't knowingly give me a defective table, correct? Well we decided to telephone call NFM to see if annihilation could be washed about this table. An employee told us that they accept warranties on their stuff for a year after you buy it. So how come earlier I was told simply 30 days?

Maybe NFM should get some training for their employees so they are all on the same page. They sent out an employee to bank check out our table and he told us that not only is the tabular array chipping information technology BUT it also has a crevice in the wood. What I thought was part of the vintage look is actually a Crevice in the wood! So NFM gave me a defective table. The lady I spoke to on the telephone said that they have a person who looks at their stuff before they evangelize it to people. Well that person is either not doing their chore or they are doing their task and knowingly sending defective piece of furniture out. The table isn't available anymore so I asked for them to but trade information technology out for a table that would match the rest of the furniture since they gave me a defective tabular array to get-go with. They of form declined. Delight save your money and buy somewhere else. NFM has terrible client service and they take no problem giving their customers crap/defective furniture!

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Original review: Feb. 25, 2019

We ordered all new appliances from Nebraska Furniture Mart in Omaha, NE July 2018. FINALLY in DECEMBER nosotros had all appliances. NFM did not call u.s. or keep us informed as to what was going on. Really upset with how things were handled. When I paid my bill I also let them know I was VERY upset and have not heard anything. I'll stick to the mom and popular stores since you get treated better.

Rated with 2 stars

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Original review: Feb. 21, 2019

We were told by Paula in the Mattress Department at the Dallas store in society to insure our very expensive Tempurpedic Mattress we would have to purchase a certain base of operations. And so upon writing the states up she said we would have to spend additional funds to insure that base. NEVER did she mention the insured was Guardsman. Look at the customer reviews. Guardsman is terrible and I would have NEVER willingly given my hard earned money to such an insurance visitor. Permit my uninformed decision be your informed decision. GUARDSMAN IS TERRIBLE AND NOT WORTH THE PURCHASE! SAVE YOUR Money. I received the paperwork from Guardsman in the postal service (that's how I discovered who I was insured past). I presume Paula was very purposeful in not disclosing the policy holder of the insurance. VERY DISAPPOINTED BUYER HERE! I got scammed!

Nebraska Furniture Mart response

Can you delight provide us the complete proper name, address with zip code and phone number associated with the account so we can accept a further expect into this for you? We can be reached by chat or by email. Cheers in accelerate.

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Original review: Feb. 18, 2019

We purchased a $2000+ dwelling house office set. The salesperson was very professional & talked us through the pros & cons of the production. We placed an order for a smaller gear up & then went dorsum to upgrade to a larger consummate gear up. We purchased Guardsman service for the product. A month afterwards we come across lots of fries and a big hole in the office slice. Guardsman takes five weeks to answer & later on a month, NFM chosen dorsum and said that we didn't take care of our desk-bound and hence our insurance & warranty stands cancelled.

When we went to the store, we faced humiliation when a gentleman introduced himself as the Customer service head of the Dallas exhibit and that coffee condensation and dirt on the desk meant that we were poor owners of their production and told united states of america in humiliating manner how nosotros are not worthy of their attention. Nosotros never returned back to NFM. Nosotros made a couple of purchases after that & never considered stepping into NFM ever again...

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Original review: Feb. 15, 2019

I purchased a Whirlpool washer from Nebraska along with the protection plan. The washer goes out and I submitted a claim with the 3rd party company, Assurant, to become the washer repaired. Assurant uses a company called, Premier Appliance Services that schedules the repair in 4-hour windows. The repair was scheduled between 8am-12pm, at that place was no communication or annihilation from the company to confirm the appointment. The tech shows upwards after 12pm and tells me that I need to remove the water from the washer - I was so confused because I was nether the impression that was the purpose of the repair. Every bit well as, they need to order the part which volition take an additional 5 days - so now I am without a washer for another week and to need to take time to now find a laundry mat to wash my clothes.

I called Nebraska Furniture Mart client service to see if in that location was anything they could exercise and they brushed me off and said "No, they are not insurance." Where is the afterward sales back up for products purchased from your store? This is not the showtime time I have had problems with your customer service not wanting to aid customers to avoid disruptions in their life considering of a faulty production purchased from your shop.

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Original review: Feb. 14, 2019

Nosotros purchased an expensive sofa, ii custom chairs, and storage ottoman in early on Jan. We were told information technology would have 6 weeks and was to exist delivered Feb 7th. On February thirteen nosotros get a phone call telling the states it would not be delivered until March 20. According to Mattie she "tried to work some magic" to get information technology on a truck which was coming to Alta on the sixth. We live five minutes from Alta. Per Mattie in a song washed voice "she simply couldn't work her magic". She did provide a very lame excuse that the truck "wasnt big plenty". Maybe getting a bigger truck would be a better plan than relying on "magic" Mattie. I again advised her we were told it would exist delivered on Feb 7th, Mattie informed me the furniture just arrived there today. Again asking why information technology could non be delivered on the 6th was over again told the truck was not big enough.

I exercise advise to this company to try honesty and off-white trade practices and peradventure they would non have such poor reviews. Glad this happened now as we were planning on going there this weekend to buy a complete ready of chamber furniture. I did advise to Mattie I would be placing this review; still, I besides advise her I'one thousand sure she nor the company really care. When your visitor is this large one poor review matters picayune. Exist bodacious hell will freeze over before I do business concern with a company that chooses to have such poor customer service. Thanks for keeping me without furniture when you lot will be 5 miles away from my house. WELL Washed.

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Nebraska Furniture Mart response

Howdy Roxann, thank you for your honest feedback. We are very sorry to hear about the frustrations you experienced with your commitment date, we sympathize that can be upsetting. We would exist happy to have a look at this for yous, however we would need some more information to admission your order. Please contact us via telephone, email or live conversation. Nosotros await forward to hearing from you.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 12, 2019

SHAM *Mattress Policy*. Purchased a Serta and IN ii.5 MONTHS, it developed a wad of clumpy batting right nether my dorsum. NFM sent their guy with a ruler and a camera and apace determined it was a 'fluke'/defect. Heard the same parroted verbiage from surveyor, salesperson, claims dept, and client service rep- "that's a rare circumstance". Well trained- I'd say! Offset, they tried to send the verbal mattress every bit a replacement- Um, no. Then they told me I had to buy within the aforementioned brand which jumps from 1K to one,500 with no intermediate choices. Then nosotros selected the Sealy (probably junque as well- nosotros are holding our breath). That hassle had to exist approved to movement out of the Serta brand, despite handing them another $300!!

Then Then they tried to have abroad our xxx 24-hour interval trial menstruum- stating final sale. Um, no. NFM mattress policy states that if you purchase their overpriced pad, you lot accept a xxx day wait period and so upward to 120 days to reselect if yous find sleep discomfort. Information technology sounds like they are continuing by their product- right? WRONG! If you file a claim information technology Nil & VOIDS ALL protection! I had to spend 2 hours demanding a trial menstruum for my second endeavor to purchase a (price increased) mattress from them with the same options to reselect if it doesn't offer a 1K+ nights worth of comfort! They just gave us xxx days trial (not 120) and Immune us to hand them $300+ more than dollars! Haha! We were penalized/ lost protection/ endured a HASSLE all for a defective mattress! NFM doesn't stand past the product they sell- that'south a detriment in the mattress industry- shop elsewhere, people!

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Nebraska Furniture Mart response

Hello Debbie Thank y'all for your feedback. We are sad that the mattress return policy was non explained thoroughly at the fourth dimension of purchase as well as for the situation and how information technology progressed. Nosotros would like an opportunity to look into this situation to see if there is annihilation that may have been disregarded or that may exist helpful in resolution of the issues y'all have experienced. Delight feel costless to reach out to u.s.a. with more information.

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Original review: Feb. 9, 2019

Purchased a Samsung fridge only to have the ice maker get out about 3-4 months afterwards the manufacturers warranty expired. Called the extended warranty and at present its been over a month and the ice maker is even so non fixed and all I go is the alibi that the parts are on back lodge. I contacted NFM and I basically got "Lamentable not our problem".

Nebraska Furniture Mart response

Hi Axel! Cheers for leaving your feedback. I'yard pitiful to hear about your ice maker and the long delay to get the replacement parts. Please empathise that NFM does not service appliances. We simply exercise not have the squad to do and then. This is why we provide the option to buy an extended warranty in addition to the manufacturer'southward warranty. I promise you can become your problem resolved when the replacement parts get in.

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Original review: Feb. eight, 2019

They sell Boob tube online at incredible prices simply it is Bait and SWITCH. They do non disembalm in their ads or website that there is no warranty for the large screen TVs. They are made for Asian distribution. Only after yous hold to their terms and give your credit bill of fare info and send information technology, exercise they pull the switch. Fortunately, I canceled before they could become the payment just buyer beware, these guys are up to no good.

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Original review: February. vii, 2019

Scary experience with all these employees gathering and non recognizing any of the customers and you could hear their laughs and there was not any sign of client service. They kept getting busy with their own talk and don't give any directions for the guest needs and their response was non enough to encourage to buy for the shoppers. I promise they needed Some articulate direction from the management which did not seem there was whatever!

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Original review: Feb. vii, 2019

Purchased 75" Samsung OLED with free delivery. Received telephone call maxim we need to sign a waiver considering it didn't come up with a warranty. Salesman said what we purchased was junk and was existence shipped from Mainland china. Rambled on about how crappy the Television set I chose was. Insulted my intelligence past saying, "you lot get what you pay for". Well... original price was listed at $3999. $4K is not cheap! When I told him to cancel my order he said he couldn't crusade it was already shipped YESTERDAY. Wait? Information technology was shipped yesterday? But you just chosen me today to confirm my club and sign a waiver. He continued to then say I would be charged for delivery to return the Idiot box and returning it voided the free delivery offer so I'd be charged for that as well. Over $400! How is this non fraud? Or theft???? Practice NOT Purchase from them!

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Original review: Jan. thirty, 2019

I purchased a SAMSUNG BIG SCREEN TV only to be chosen and told it has no warranty. I was besides told the Samsung unit I purchased was made in Korea and was pure junk. So I was told they could not deliver information technology to my town. Funny thing is I chosen the company prior to making my buy and asked if it was a skilful product and could be delivered without result. I was told before making my purchase it was a great TV and I would have no issues. BUYER BEWARE OF THESE DISHONEST PEOPLE.

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Original review: Jan. 27, 2019

Purchased dining room chairs November 11, 2018. As of today my chairs have not arrived! Delivery date was supposed to 12/6/eighteen. Customer service has lied. Continue to give me runaround! Never again purchase anything!

Rated with 2 stars

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Original review: January. 19, 2019

NFM cards do non let you transfer balances if you lot are getting shut to the interest free time flow. I have never experienced or knew that a company could deny forms of payment. NFM volition just allow you to pay cash/bank account on the balance. I did not observe this because I always have used my banking concern carte du jour, merely I had a few hundred dollars left on my purchase and I wanted to make sure I did non miss the timeline and accumulate all that back interest. They informed me I was not allowed to transfer my rest away from them to another credit card. I would accept to pay cash in time or have the interest hit. I asked about a check from a menu and they said they would not accept second party checks either.

I was lucky my balance was depression enough to pay and abolish my credit card, but I'm thinking nearly those people who didn't realize they would never be able to transfer their rest if they got as well close to the involvement hitting. It seems like a VERY ROTTEN Movement ON NEBRASKA Article of furniture'South Part. They were my favorite article of furniture store. That'due south why I went ahead and signed up for their card. Please exist warned!!! I could non find any information on the internet of another visitor doing something like this to their customers. They may be the just one.

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Original review: Jan. 8, 2019

The missus wanted to replace our dining room and den furniture. We purchased over $3,000 worth the furniture and purchased it on a tax free weekend. The discount was to discount the furniture the same amount equally the sales tax just when we checked out they did not discount the furniture. We had to become a manager involved to refund the tax credit which was over $240 worth of revenue enhancement credit but they would only refund $220 worth of tax credit. Even though we showed them the receipt they still argued and would not refund the total amount of taxation credit. Plus they accuse $xc to drop off the furniture as supposedly delivery. They seem to be creative in ways to cheat you. If you purchase from them only be fully warned upwardly front end.

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Original review: Jan. 6, 2019

I purchased Samsung iii door with warranty. Quit running Oct 2018. NFM says Samsung has to fix condenser all the same no Samsung repair person about Lexington. All nutrient ruined and using coolers through the holidays. This is the 4th month of trying to go NFM to laurels buy of their product. If no repairmen in surface area do not sell a warranty. Supervene upon the refrigerator! Shame on you lot as we are in our 70s.

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Original review: Dec. 20, 2018

What a ripoff #assurant and @nebraskafurnituremart is with their BS extended warranty - 7 weeks to file a uncomplicated merits on an extended warranty had to call Philippines contact center 10 times to only get a response. Tried chatter and they don't help. Called Philippine contact center over again only to be told they had to call i department, then told they didn't take whatsoever information from claims, then told me I should telephone call their subcontractor to chase their merits. Now on hold again for 5 minutes while they run around and figure out how not to pay for the merits... Good news I didn't buy my NEW TV from Nebraska Furniture Mart - maybe when y'all option meliorate partners you might become some more business. Now on to Yelp and Twitter - How's that social media plan working out?

Client increased Rating by 2 stars!

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Resolution response: December. 12, 2018

I finally received the detail on Monday December 10th. NFM contacted me, apologized for the delay after following upwardly with UPS. The problem has been resolved and NFM presented me with $50.0 on my next purchase. Give thanks y'all.

Original review: Dec. 7, 2018

I furnished my whole business firm from NFM in 2014. After that I have made a couple of purchases. Almost three weeks ago I made an order. I chose to have information technology delivered just for my peace of mind and I paid half the toll of the item for commitment. They shipped it with UPS and I haven't received it withal (after 18 days). They turn down to cancel the society and are charging me for an particular I haven't received. I call UPS every day and they can't find the detail. NFM say we are non responsible for y'all receiving the item, even though y'all paid for delivery.

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Original review: November. 29, 2018

I Received a wonderful Nebraska Piece of furniture Mart coupon in the mail as I am new to the community. 50% off furniture and free shipping; when I chosen Nebraska Furniture Mart to cash in on this coupon as I had spent thousands in their shop on piece of furniture, they looked up each of my multiple items and said the 50% off was no lower considering it'southward based on MSPR prices so the prices I paid were lower than that 50% off of that toll. Then the gratis aircraft is just if you lot ship it to your curb or your garage not to take it inside. Well for a unmarried mom that'due south impossible non to take my stuff delivered inside. So you tin can forget near the 50% off and you tin can forget about the free shipping. This coupon is a sham and the Nebraska Furniture Mart should be ashamed of themselves.

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