No Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter on Add Hardware

Teredo Tunneling Adapter is a virtual device that acts as an interpreter betwixt IPv4 and IPv6 networks. At the moment most computers are connected to the Internet using IPv4 connectivity without a direct (native) connexion to IPv6 networks. This problem may be overcome by using the Teredo Tunneling technology which gives the ability to an IPv4 network to communicate with an IPv6 network and vice versa. Teredo Tunneling is a temporary solution and volition exist disabled when IPv6 connectivity becomes native on the network.

In this tutorial I volition show you how to install Teredo Tunneling on Windows 8, 7 and Vista.

How to install Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter

Step 1. Install Teredo Tunneling Adapter (Add Legacy Hardware).

1. Open up Device Managing director. To do that:

  1. Press "Windows" Image-201_thumb8_thumb4  + "R" keys to load the Run dialog box.
  2. Type "devmgmt.msc" and press Enter.


2. Highlight your calculator name and rom Action menu choose Add legacy hardware.


iii. Press Next.


iv. Select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) and printing Next.


v. Select Network adapters and press Adjacent.


6. Highlight the Microsoft manufacturer, select the Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter and press Next.


vii. Press Next to start the installation of Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter.


8. Click Finish when the installation completed.

Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter-installation

9. Ensure that Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter is installed successfully. To do that y'all have to enable the hidden devices view: From the View carte choose Show subconscious devices.


10. Expand Network Adapters. The Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter should be listed at that place. *

* Notes:

  1. If you run into an exclamation mark at the Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter then follow this guide to set up the Teredo Tunneling Adapter cannot showtime – Code 10 trouble.
  2. If Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter doesn't work or doesn't announced on device managing director after the restart, then you have to enable Teredo customer past using this tutorial: Teredo Tunneling is installed only missing in Device Manager or gives error code 10 after restart.


11. Restart your computer and you lot 're done!

How to verify Teredo Tunneling Proper Installation and Functionality.

Stride 1. Verify Teredo Tunneling Adapter's state:

1. Go to First > All Programs > Accessories.

2. Open up Command Prompt.


3. At control prompt window, type the following command and printing Enter.

  • netsh interface teredo testify state


– If MS Teredo Tunneling Adapter functions properly, you lot should receive a similar output screen:


Additional Notes for Teredo State:

Type: client means that teredo tunneling is enabled on your computer. If the Type shows disabled and then teredo tunneling is disabled on your estimator.

Country: dormant means that teredo tunneling is inactive right now. The State will exist inverse to qualified when you start an IPv6-enabled application that uses Teredo (e.g. "Windows Remote Aid").

Stride 2. Check if Teredo Tunneling Adapter can resolve properly IPv6 domain names.

The easiest way to verify that Teredo Tunneling adapter tin resolve properly IPv6 domain names is to ping your own calculator proper name using the ping v6 command. To exercise that:

1. Find your estimator proper name by going to Get-go > Command Console > System.

two. Annotation the name at Calculator name field.


iii. Open up a control prompt window, blazon the post-obit command and printing Enter.

  • ping –6 <ComputerName>

(e.yard. In this instance the Computer Proper noun is "Win7VM1". Then the control should exist: " ping –half dozen Win7VM1" ).


4. If Teredo tunnel adapter can resolve IPv6 domain names correctly y'all should meet a similar reply screen.


That's it!

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