Computer Hardware Components May Be Damaged by:

A computer is a device that accepts information (in the course of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a programme, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.

Circuitous computers include the means for storing data (including the program, which is also a form of information) for some necessary elapsing. A plan may be invariable and built into the computer hardware (and calledlogic circuitry equally it is on microprocessors) or different programs may exist provided to the computer (loaded into its storage and so started by an administrator or user). Today's computers accept both kinds of programming.

Major types of computers

Analog computer - represents data by measurable quantities
Desktop computer - a personal computer that fits on a desk and is often used for business or gaming
Digital computer - operates with numbers expressed as digits
Hybrid computer - combines features of both analog and digital computers
Laptop (notebook) - an easily transported reckoner that is smaller than a briefcase
Mainframe (large fe) estimator - a centralized computer used for large calibration computing
Microcomputer - mostly referred to as a PC (personal computer). Uses a single integrated semiconductor chip microprocessor.
minicomputer - an antiquated term for a computer that is smaller than a mainframe and larger than a microcomputer
Netbook - a smaller and less powerful version of a laptop
Personal computer (PC) - a digital computer designed to exist used by ane person at a time
Smartphone - a cellular telephone designed with an integrated computer
Supercomputer - a high performing calculator that operates at extremely high speeds
Tablet figurer (tablet PC) - a wireless personal computer with a touch screen
Workstation - equipment designed for a single user to complete a specialized technical/scientific job

History of the modern computer

Most histories of the modern computer begin with the Belittling Engine envisioned by Charles Babbage post-obit the mathematical ideas of George Boole, the mathematician who commencement stated the principles of logic inherent in today's digital estimator. Babbage's banana and collaborator, Ada Lovelace, is said to have introduced the ideas of program loops and subroutines and is sometimes considered the first programmer. Apart from mechanical calculators, the first really useable computers began with the vacuum tube, accelerated with the invention of the transistor, which then became embedded in big numbers in integrated circuits, ultimately making possible the relatively depression-cost personal calculator.

Mod computers inherently follow the ideas of the stored plan laid out by John von Neumann in 1945. Essentially, the program is read by the computer one pedagogy at a time, an operation is performed, and the computer then reads the side by side instruction.

From the mid-1900s to the present, the advancement of computers is divided into five generations. While the twelvemonth span for each generation varies depending on the reference source, the virtually recognized generational timeline is below.

1940 to 1956

First generation computers were room-sized machines that used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for limited internal storage. These machines used punched cards for data input and a binary machine lawmaking (language). Examples of first generation computers include the ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer), Colossus, IBM 650 and the EDVAC (Electronic Detached Variable Computer).

1956 to 1963

Second generation computers replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, used magnetic tape storage for increased storage chapters, used BAL (basic assembler linguistic communication) and continued to utilise punched cards for input. Transistors drew less power and generated less heat than vacuum tubes. Examples of second-generation computers include the IBM 7090, IBM 7094, IBM 1400, and the UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer).

1964 to 1971

Third generation computers used ICs (integrated circuits) with several transistors and MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) memory. Smaller, cheaper and faster than their predecessors, these computers used keyboards for input, monitors for output, and employed programming languages such every bit FORTRAN (Formula Translation), COBOL (Common Business Oriented Linguistic communication) and C-Language. Examples of third generation computers include the IBM 360 and IBM 370 series.

1972 to 2010

Fourth generation computers used integrated circuits and microprocessors with VLSI (very big calibration integration), RAM (random admission memory), ROM (read-only retentiveness), and high-level programming languages including C and C++. The creation and expansion of the World wide web and cloud calculating (the power to deliver hosted services using the Internet) significantly enhanced computing capabilities during this flow. Examples of fourth generation computers include Apple'due south Macintosh and IBM's PC.

2010 and across

Fifth generation computers are based on AI (artificial intelligence), use large scale integrated chips and more than one CPU (processor). Fifth generation computers reply to natural linguistic communication input, solve highly complex bug, make decisions through logical (human-like) reasoning and apply quantum computing and nanotechnology (molecular manufacturing). Fifth generation computers and programs permit multiple programs (and computers) to piece of work on the same problem at the aforementioned time in parallel.

The advent of the Internet, cloud calculating, and high bandwidth data transmission enables programs and data to be distributed over a network rapidly and efficiently, while application programs and software make computers the tools of choice for such things as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, presentations, ERP (enterprise resource planning), simulations, pedagogy, CMS (content management systems), gaming and engineering.

This was last updated in Apr 2019

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