Safely Remove Hardware Icon Keeps Disappearing

The module of 'Safely remove hardware' has been in Windows for quite some time and allows users to safely cease all communication with a USB device or difficult bulldoze for it to be safely plugged out. If you abruptly plug out a USB device, the device might get corrupted or your device might lose the data present within.

Lately, in that location have been several reports where users noticed that the safely remove hardware icon has been missing from their taskbars. This usually happens considering either the icon is disabled from the taskbar settings or at that place are some issues with the arrangement files.

How to fix safely remove hardware icon missing

Users have reported that the safely remove hardware icon is missing from the notification area in Windows 10. This non only occurs in Windows 10 only is also nowadays in Windows 7 and XP. At that place are as well issues where the safely remove hardware icon doesn't show the devices currently continued to the computer. This guide targets to fix all these issues.

Solution 1: Enabling 'Safely remove hardware' from the taskbar

The icon and the module will non be shown in your taskbar if it has been disabled from the taskbar settings. Information technology is possible that in the past you might have disabled the pick and hence information technology refuses to be shown. Nosotros will open up the settings and enable the module once again.

  1. Right-click anywhere on your taskbar and click Taskbar settings.

  1. Navigate down to the Notification area and click Select which icons announced on the taskbar.

  1. Check the choice Windows Explorer: Safely remove hardware and eject media.

  1. After saving changes, exit. Now the icon will appear automatically on your taskbar. If it doesn't, click on the Up arrow to aggrandize the taskbar and select the icon to safely remove hardware.

Annotation: You can too enable the taskbar pick "Windows host process (Rundll32)" if the to a higher place doesn't solve the consequence on its own.

Solution 2: Disabling Quick Removal

USB devices have a engineering called 'Quick removal' which disables write caching on the device and in Windows so yous can plug information technology out without using the Safely remove hardware icon. This may increase accessibility but may reduce the performance. We tin try irresolute this and see if this does the trick.

  1. Press Windows + R, type "devmgmt. msc" in the dialogue box and printing Enter.
  2. Once in the device manager, expand Disk drives, right-click on your USB drive and click Backdrop.
  3. Once in properties, select the tab Policies and check the pick Better performance.

  1. Now check if the icon is present in the taskbar. If it isn't, you lot can navigate back to the device manager and select Quick removal again and check.

Solution 3: Checking 'Plug and Play' service

The service "Plug and Play" is responsible for synchronizing the entire procedure of the USB plugging in and out in your computer. This service detects the USB or difficult drive connected to your figurer and gets it ready for the information transfer to brainstorm. We can check if this service is running properly.

  1. Printing Windows + R, blazon "services. msc" in the dialogue box and printing Enter.
  2. Once in services, search for the entry "Plug and play". Right-click on it and select Properties.
  3. Make sure that the service is running and the startup blazon is set equally Automated.

  1. Printing Employ to save changes and get out. Restart your computer and meet if the icon is visible in the taskbar.

Solution iv: Using the Run command

If all the above methods don't work, you tin try launching the safely remove hardware manually using the Run command on your computer. This may seem similar a headache because yous have to manually prompt the safely remove hardware. However, nosotros volition create a shortcut for it if this method works for yous.

  1. Press Windows + R, type "rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" in the dialogue box and printing Enter.

  1. From here select the USB device which yous want to stop and click on the stop

  1. You tin now remove your drive safely from the estimator.

If this method work for you, you tin can create a shortcut for it anywhere on your Desktop. This volition take care of the hassle of running the Run control every fourth dimension.

  1. Right-click anywhere on your Desktop and click New > Shortcut.

  1. In the dialogue box, enter the command "rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll".

  1. In the next window, yous can proper name the shortcut every bit "Safely remove hardware". Press OK for the shortcut to exist made.

  1. Now whenever you click the shortcut, the window volition pop up and you can easily stop all the devices.

Note: If all the method doesn't work, you tin can go ahead and run an SFC scan on your computer. This scan will prepare all the corrupt registries and if this module is cleaved, information technology will fix it.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and cocky-motivated information technology professional person, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and assistants. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.

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